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So its True? Hes Back?

Floyd Mayweather Will Be Fighting in Dubai

So far Mayweather holds an impressive record of 50 fights and 50 wins! Not many see that changing even with the upcoming match in Dubai. He'll be facing Don Moore on the Burj Al Arab Hotel helipad in Dubai on May 14. 

Apparently, Floyd enjoys these exhibition events.

Yep...and this one he couldn't pass up. He told members of the press, “having a fight on the helipad of the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai and the opportunity to be the star of the show is going to be something I will remember always. ”

He went on to say, “I am always trying to push the envelope and if something is brought to my attention that has a unique aspect to it, I am always interested.” 

Floyd Mayweather - Don Moore 05092022.jpg

BTW: Outlets are reporting that only a mere 20 ringside tickets will be sold, costing £150,000. No worries. Floyd says you can still watch. During a press interview he said, "People all over the world can buy the PPV and watch us fight high above, almost in the sky.”

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